Grow-with-NetSuite à Paris : Accélérez la transformation de votre entreprise
Accédez aux dernières innovations et stratégies pour transformer votre entreprise et renforcer votre réseau professionnel.
Où et quand ?
Rejoignez-nous à Paris pour une journée dédiée à la transformation de votre entreprise avec Novutech. Découvrez comment l’intelligence artificielle redéfinit la fonction de CFO avec Joaquim De Sa Alves et participez à des ateliers sur les solutions SaaS et les services. Ne manquez pas le panel de discussion sur la facturation électronique et terminez la journée avec un apéritif de networking en compagnie des leaders de l’innovation digitale.
7 novembre 2024
De 12h30 à 19h
Comet Place des Victoires, 12 Rue du Mail, 75002 Paris, Franc
Enregistrement & Networking
Accueil par Novutech
Keynote par Joaquim De Sa Alves - transformation métier CFO et l’impact de l’IA dans le métier
Ateliers thématiquess:
- Saas & Services
- AP & Flow Automation
Pause-café & Networking
Table ronde sur la facturation électronique (Novutech - Zone - Avalara)
Keynote de clôture par Novutech
Apéro Networking
Grow-with-NetSuite Days
Join us to gain actionable insights from industry experts, explore cutting-edge solutions in our breakout sessions, network with key decision-makers, and discover localized content tailored to your market.
Hear from industry leaders on the future of AI, digitalization, and more.
Breakout Sessions
Choose from tracks focused on Software and services or Commerce.
Connect with like-minded professionals during our networking apero.
Localized Content
Expert speakers and customer testimonials tailored to the Belgian audience in Brussels and the Dutch audience in Rotterdam.
Our panel of experts
Olivier Mangelschots
Digital Coach & External CIO
Founder of I coach and challenge business owners and IT decision-makers to provide strength and agility to their digital strategy and IT architecture. I am deeply passionate about the interplay of digital ecosystems and the transformative influence of technology on SMEs and family-owned businesses.
Maxime Lubbers
Web 3.0 & AI expert
With experience in technology strategy at Accenture, academic research and public speaking, Maxime balances a creative and refreshing perspective on new technology with a pragmatic approach focused on societal impact. Maxime believes that there is no world possible without technology, hence she is driven to help people navigate technology innovation in the best ways possible, looking after personal well-being, the planet and society. She speaks at events on topics as responsible technology leadership, AI, blockchain, the Metaverse and humane technology. At the Novutech event she will walk you through the impact technology has on your daily and business lives and empower you to form your own opinion on major technology trends that impact you, your team and society. She'll make you think, instead of telling you what to think.