Meet Adrien
I started my studies of Business Engineering at UMons 2014. In 2017, I moved to the Louvain-La-Neuve in the Louvain School of Management in order to realize a Master degree with as Major option “Corporate Social Responsibility”. Nevertheless, I have always felt interested in new technologies. I realized some projects and also my thesis in this area. Actually, it is during my Master degree that I met the wonderful ERP world. It is in January 2020 that I’ve been graduated as Business Engineer at the Louvain School of Management. One month later, I was recruited by Novutech to become a Business Analyst for (at that time) this very small company. But beginning 2020 means also the beginning of the COVID pandemic. Because of this, my arrival in Novutech has been delayed for one month. Indeed, instead of beginning in March, I entered inside Novutech’s family in April. So, it is in April 2020 that I start my journey in Novutech.
Why Novutech
Let me make a small parenthesis about “Why I chose Novutech ?”. I was directly attracted by the atmosphere in Novutech. Novutech was indeed composed of dynamic people which were ready to be part of a big project and dedicated to it. I always wanted to be part of this kind of project. As a first job, I wanted to join a project where I was directly involved into and not entering in a big company. I wanted to find a company where I feel as a real member of the team. It means not entering in a too big structure. Novutech was a perfect match with this objective.
Novutech’s Journey
Starting working in the business world during a pandemic was not an easy job for me. Not having the opportunity to meet all my new colleagues except behind a screen was a and also to learn a part of the job on my own. This new way of living was not an easy stuff but fortunately, I was well supported by the other team members and I didn’t feel alone during my beginning. At that time, we were only 6 at Novutech, thanks to this, it helps to rapidly be implicated and also adapt myself to the job. Indeed, it allows me to directly deep dive in concrete projects by doing tasks that get me out of my comfort zone. I had been directly put in contact with client, it was a big challenge for me but it helps me to grow up fast on my way of working and being independent in the job. During my first month, I was put on a complete NetSuite implementation for Medi-Market. This project allows me to discover NetSuite especially Finance flow as it was a project which was mainly finance/accounting based. Thus, this project was a good start to jump into the NetSuite water. After that, I have the opportunity to also be part of a big implementation for our client, Solar Screen. This implementation had a broader scope than Medi-Market. Indeed, in addition to integrate all the finance part of the company, we also should implement the Warehouse Management. In this case, I had been confronted to all the Inventory part of the system. As it was a quite new topics for me, I’d made some trainings to discover those topics. Since those two implementations, I had the opportunity to participate in different projects, implementation and support, in various companies (UnifiedPost, Akkermansia Company, OTA Insight, etc.). Those experiences allow me to take more and more on myself and start leading some projects. More than 2 years after my beginning at Novutech, a long journey has been achieved. I am now a Business Consultant and I had the opportunity to work for big projects but also to take the lead of some of them. During those projects, I was mainly driven by the opportunity learning more about various topics, to have responsibilities, to be totally autonomous on the way of managing my work, etc. Thanks to this dynamic and way of working, I was able to grow up very fast and learn a lot from the Business World.

Meet Mark
January 24, 2024
Navigating the Professional Journey: From Bike Mechanic to NetSuite ERP Consultant – Meet Mark’s Inspiring Career Path
Meet the Team